Lisa DiQuinzio

Psychic Ability Plain and Simple; or the Man in Me

October 1-9, 2021

Psychic Ability Plain and Simple: or the Man in Me contemplates forms of knowing. Can knowledge be defined? How do you come to know something?  I like the correlation between painting and psychic ability. How I move through a painting is thoughtful, measured but also unknown, even to myself, or selves.  Who does the painting, who does the knowing?

These scenes of domestic spaces and bodies, babies, flowers and windows spread out on the canvas in their impossible form. Like musical notes within a score, the colours weave in out of a murky sea, hitting points of focus that shift with each viewing.

How can I define my interior world, directly and without compromise? Paula, my avatar, born from Women as Lovers by Elfriede Jelinek spies on me. Hers is a cautionary tale, don’t feel too much. Maladetta Primavera - the cursed spring.  The first step and the many steps to follow, the marks  that keep marking, keeping score, measuring, calculating, writing the narrative. A form to follow; the vessels. These painted on carriers of the late night anxieties. The fragments of pictures, the scraps of fabric, the needle and thread. It’s only a story.

These works play with sentiment. They live in the realm of feelings. This is a space to enter, to get to know.